Thursday 18 October 2012

Our paragraph from this week's newsletter...

Can I first start by saying how well behaved the class were at Eden Camp last Friday. I was so proud of the class and it was a pleasure to take them out for the day. Thank you again to the parents who gave up their time to accompany us on the trip. That seems like a lifetime ago however as we have had yet another crazy, busy week in year 6. The WW2 day on Tuesday was a huge success. We baked, produced art work, sewed and acted! Everyone got into the spirit of the day by dressing up so thank you for your efforts. Yesterday class 6 lead the Harvest Service at St Mary’s Church. Again, they represented the school brilliantly and I am very grateful to the pupils who volunteered to read. You were fantastic! In between all of this, we have been writing letters home as evacuees, tackling mixed word problems in maths and creating informative Powerpoints about WW2. I think class 6 are more than ready for the long weekend ahead!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Here is this week's homework just in case you need online access to it!

Year 6 Homework                                                                 Thursday 18th October 2012
Due in: Thursday 25th October 2012
Literacy / Topic
Your task this week is to research the life of Anne Frank. We have touched on Anne Frank in class this half term so you already know some of the key facts about her life. The websites listed below are extremely useful and some of them are interactive.
Please present your work in a creative way. Use pictures, diagrams and other interesting ways of presenting to create an ‘All About Anne Frank’ leaflet or booklet. I have given you some pointers so that you can focus your research.

Think about:

·         What life was like living as a Jew in Germany

·         Anne Frank’s childhood

·         Her diary and why it is so important today

·         Her family

    The events that led to her death

    Key dates and facts


Maths homework
I was so pleased to see how many members of the class improved with their times tables recently. Well done! Next week we will be having another times tables test where we will hopefully see further improvement. Please revise for this.
If you have scored 29/30 on our tests recently, you will be doing a division test based on the times tables facts. Make sure you that you revise the inverse of the times tables so that you are just as speedy in this test.

Mrs Fox

WW2 Experiences

Check out our snaps from Eden Camp and our WW2 Day in school. I have been completely impressed by the behaviour our class exhibited on both occasions. Well done everyone! Your costumes on Tuesday were also fantastic...hope you enjoyed the rock cakes! (Even if some of them didn't turn out so rock-like)