Sunday 27 September 2015

This week's newsletter paragraph

It has been back to work this week for class 6! We have been getting to grips with the place value of numbers up to one million in Maths and we have begun to compare and order these numbers too! In English, we have been learning how to analyse texts effectively and have been reading examples of persuasive writing. We have been developing our throwing and catching skills for tag rugby in PE and enjoyed learning about the functions of our organs in Science. The children continued to learn the vocabulary for food in French and how to say what they like and dislike. In art, we gained some insight into how to create perspective in pictures using a vanishing point. On another note, we have a bag of socks and underwear that were left at Marrick Priory if any parents would like to claim them and also some unclaimed walking boots! Have a lovely weekend.

Citizens of the week: Teri and Charlie
Writer of the week: Sam

Speaker of the week: Harry 

Thursday 17 September 2015

Marrick Priory!

Here are a few photos from Marrick Priory so far. The children are having an amazing time and have been a pleasure to spend time with. There will be more photos to follow in the coming weeks. We hope you haven't missed them too much!

New school year!

Here is a lovely pic of the year 6 class of 2015-16. What a fantastic start to the year we have had!