Friday 26 April 2013

Grammar revision

If you would like to prepare for your grammar test at home then I would highly recommend the website below! Click on the link and get to grips with grammar.

Enjoy x

SATS Reminder!

Hello everyone

I am sure that there aren't any children in year 6 who have forgotten when SATS are taking place but thought I would post a reminder for parents.

SATS week is the week commencing Monday 13th May 2013. Not long now!

Everyone is working extremely hard and I am unbelievably proud of the effort and commitment that the pupils are showing.

Keep it up everyone!

Many thanks

Mrs Fox

Thursday 28 February 2013

A few things...

Hi everybody!

It has been a while since we have had any notices on our year 6 blog so here I am!

Firstly, I am so happy to hear how many pupils have been working on their SATS revision packs at home. Well done for knuckling down in order to achieve your very best in the following months!

Secondly, do not forget about World Book Day which takes place on Thursday next week (7th March). I am very much looking forward to seeing you all dressed as your favourite book character; as year 6 are the role models for the school, it would be great to see you all embracing the fun of it all.

Do not forget to take advantage of the year 6 drop-in sessions which are taking place at lunchtimes (Tuesday's to Friday's). It is a great opportunity to spend quality time going over anything you would like to build confidence with.

Mrs Fox

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Stargazing Live!

If you want to surround yourself with all things Space this term you can start this week by watching (or recording) Stargazing Live on BBC 2 at 8pm. The show starts tonight (Tuesday 8th January) and will also be broadcast on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.


Mrs Fox

Happy New Year!

Welcome back to a new term at Great Preston CofE. I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday. Thank you so much for all of the generous gifts I  received before we broke up.

Class 6 have returned to school with a determined and mature attitude as they are aware of how much work we need to do in preparation for our upcoming SATS tests. Well done class 6!

This term's topic is 'Space' and it promises to be an exciting one! Watch this space for news of visitors and check out our class page on the school website for examples of our work and an overview of what we will be learning.

If anyone has any books or resources that might be interesting to share with the class then please bring them into school.

Mrs Fox