Thursday 29 November 2012

Newsletter Paragraph

I am so excited for our Christmas Production! We have spent a lot of time rehearsing this week and the children are singing, dancing and acting their hearts out! As well as rehearsing for our fabulous nativity, we have been revising 2D shapes and their properties in maths. We have also been preparing for some art work based on our eight mile walk that we tackled at Marrick Priory. We have decided to recreate some of the landscapes that we saw by making collages out of natural materials and paints. Therefore, we have searched and scoured the school grounds and collected twigs, leaves, moss and much more. You will be able to see the finished product at our Marrick Priory assembly which will take place in January.

Friday 23 November 2012

Anti-bullying Week

Class 6 have taken Anti-bullying Week very seriously and believe that it is their responsibility to spread the correct message about anti-bullying to the rest of the school. As well as designing anti-bullying shields to spread the message that bullying is unacceptable, they have also worked in groups to write a positive message to members of our school and community for our school blog. I'm sure you will agree they have done a remarkable job!

We don’t tolerate bullying at Great Preston primary School because we are mature enough to understand how bullying works .A bully is a person who constantly hurts you and hurts your feelings several times. There are different types of bullying such as cyber bullying, emotional bullying and physical bullying. If you are ever bullied the best thing to do is to talk to a responsible adult , teacher or parent or talk to a friend or a member of the class that you can trust. These people might be able to help or sort out the problem bullying is unacceptable so don’t accept it!
By Elle, Robbie, Jordan , Charlie, Ocean and Maya.

Here at Great Preston we do tolerate any kind of bullying because we all treat each other with respect. Bullying is where a group or one person is constantly verbally or physically hurting people. If you are ever in a situation do not retaliate, to resolve the problem, the best idea is to communicate with each other. If you have anything on your mind, if it’s to do with bullying or just a worry and you don’t want to speak to a teacher, then talk to year 6 so we can try and resolve the issue. Alternatively you can speak to family member. The main thing to remember is that bullying is unacceptable and you must speak up.
By Ellie, Isaak, Michael, Baliey, Olivia and Ben

This week is anti-bullying week and many schools all over the UK are doing something about it. Here at Great Preston we do not accept bullying, however we do have fall outs here and there but they get sorted out. It is dealt with by people either telling a teacher or other members of staff, parents or guardians. Bullying is where you are being hurt either verbally or physically for a long period of time. If you are being treated unfairly or think you might be being bullied, the best thing you can do is tell someone.
·         Tell them how you feel about the situation.
·         Tell the person that you don’t like their actions.
·         Talk to a teacher.
·         Talk to your parents.

By Georgia, Iwan. Charlotterose, Lucas, Jasmine and Jack

This week at Great Preston we have all been focusing on one main task, anti-bullying. Bullying is not tolerated in Great Preston as we all treat each other with respect! Getting bullied isn’t just somebody one day calling you a name, it has got to be all the time! Sometimes people just make mistakes. Our advice to you is if you have a problem come to a year 6, a teacher or your Mum and Dad. Remember, a problem shared is a problem halved!
By, Sam , Imogen, Thomas, Blaize, Katelyn and Grace.

At Great Preston, we do not tolerate bullying because we know it’s wrong and we know how to solve it. Bullying is something that happens constantly on regular occasions that offends someone. Bullying is serious! Here is some advice from year 6:
Don’t react when somebody has said something that’s out of order, don’t class one hurtful word bullying because it might have been a mistake or a joke. Don’t call other people names because then you are a bully if you do it more than once.
Thanks for reading,
Year six
P,s Remember bullying is unacceptable!
By Taylor, Gemma, Kiara, Lucas, Dylan and Kai


Thursday 22 November 2012

Class 6 Homework 22.11.12

Class 6, your homework this week is to learn your parts for the Christmas production. If you do not have a speaking part, your homework is to learn all of the lyrics to the songs. We only have two weeks until our dress rehearsal so our time rehearsing in school needs to be used for staging the action as well as learning the dance routines. We cannot have scripts or song lyrics on stage. Enjoy!!

Sunday 11 November 2012

What a week!!

I just wanted to say how unbelievably proud I am of class 6 for the determination and perseverance you exhibited on residential last week. I was blown away by how well behaved you all were and how you threw yourselves into the challenges each day. You have done your parents and the school proud!

 I am sure you have all had a peek at the photographs Mrs Simpson uploaded to her blog. I will be making a CD of all of the pictures taken for you to keep when I get chance. Thank you to Mrs Simpson for spending so much time and energy updating the blog while we were away!

I hope you have all spent the weekend having a well deserved rest. I am looking forward to getting stuck into our residential follow up work as well as our Christmas Production this week.

Mrs Fox